MoinMoin plug-in

MoinMoin is a popular Wiki engine. The plug-in allows to use aafigure drawings within wiki pages.

Copy the file from examples/moinmoin to wiki/data/plugin/parser of the wiki. The aafigure module itself needs to be installed for the Python version that is used to run MoinMoin (see above for instructions).

Tested with MoinMoin 1.8.

See also:


ASCII Art figures can be inserted into a MoinMoin WikiText page the following way:

{{{#!aafig scale=1.5 foreground=#ff1010
DD o--->

The parser name is aafig and options are appended, separated with spaces. Options that require a value take that after a = without any whitespace between option and value. Supported options are:

  • scale=<float>
  • aspect=<float>
  • textual
  • textual_strict
  • proportional
  • linewidth=<float>
  • foreground=#rrggbb
  • fill=#rrggbb

There is no background as the SVG backend ignores that. And it is not possible to pass generic options.

The images are generated and stored in MoinMoin’s internal cache. So there is no mess with attached files on the page. Each change on an image generates a new cache entry so the cache may grow over time. However the files can be deleted with no problem as they can be rebuilt when the page is viewed again (the old files are not automatically deleted as they are still used when older revision of a page is displayed).