Short introduction


The - and | are normally used for lines. _ and ~ can also be used. They are slightly longer lines than the -. _ is drawn a bit lower and ~ a bit upper. = gives a thicker line. The later three line types can only be drawn horizontally.

---- |         ___  ~~~|
     | --  ___|        |    ===

It is also possible to draw diagonal lines. Their use is somewhat restricted though. Not all cases work as expected.


With rounded flag:


And drawing longer diagonal lines with different angles looks ugly...

_images/aafig-511896e27a36954000569f0a0587c14ffafa1cfa.svg _images/aafig-10c063e72984693c222d94159ba566c9b7dadf50.svg


Arrow styles are:

--->   | | | | | |
---<   | | | | | |
---o   ^ V v o O #


Boxes are automatically draw when the edges are made with +, filled boxes are made with X (must be at least two units high or wide). It is also possible to make rounded edges in two ways:

+-----+   XXX  /--\     --   |
|     |   XXX  |  |    /    /
+-----+   XXX  \--/   |   --


Upper case characters generate shapes with borders, lower case without border. Fills must be at least two characters wide or high. (This reduces the chance that it is detected as Fill instead of a string)


Complex shapes can be filled:



The images may contain text too. There are different styles to enter text:


By default are repeated characters detected as fill:

Hello World  dd d


Text between quotes has priority over any graphical meaning:

"Hello World"  dd d

", ' and \` are all valid quotation marks. The quotes are not visible in the resulting image. This not only disables fills (see below), it also treats -, | etc. as text.

textual option

The :textual: option disables horizontal fill detection. Fills are only detected when they are vertically at least 2 characters high:

Hello World  dd d


* { }